Amazingly, this blog has just recently celebrated it's two-year anniversary. In the two years I've been blogging, this space has evolved from a general sports blog, to a college football blog. As I strive to make this blog more informative and analytical, I decided I also need to make it a little more fun. Thus, get eggcited for the introduction of what I hope to be an annual contest...The Predictomatic.
The rules are simple. For each of the 6 BCS conferences (ACC, Big East, Big 10, Big 12, Pac 10, and SEC) select the team you think will win that league. But the fun doesn't stop there. Next select the teams you think will finish in the basement of each league. For leagues with two divisions (ACC, Big 12, and SEC), select the teams to that will win each division, finish in the cellar in each division, and the team that will win the corporately sponsored championship game. Next, select a team from outside the BCS that you think will play in a BCS bowl game this season. If you don't think one will qualify this season, make 'no team' your selection. Finally, choose your national champion and the total points scored in the BCS Championship Game.
Each correct selection of a conference champion, last place conference team, non-BCS BCS bowl game participant, and national champion will be worth 10 points. Each division champion, last place division team, and a correct 'no team' selection in the non-BCS category will be worth 5 points. To summarize, you ballot should have 23 selections broken down in this manner:
ACC (5)
2 Division winners (5 points each)
2 Last place teams (5 points each)
1 Champion (10 points)
Big East (2)
1 Champion (10 points)
1 Last place team (10 points)
Big 12 (5)
2 Division winners (5 points each)
2 Last place teams (5 points each)
1 Champion (10 points)
Big 10 (2)
1 Champion (10 points)
1 Last place team (10 points)
Pac 10 (2)
1 Champion (10 points)
1 Last place team (10 points)
SEC (5)
2 Division winners (5 points each)
2 Last place teams (5 points each)
1 Champion (10 points)
Non-BCS BCS Bowl Game Participant
1 Team (10 points) or No Team (5 points)
National Champion (10 points)
Total points in BCS Championship Game
The ballot with the most points (170 total possible) will win. If the national title is spilt (2003), then both selections will be valid, but only the total points in the BCS Championship Game will count in the tiebreaker. Please send your completed ballots to predictomatic@yahoo.com by August 24, 2007 with your name and/or alias in the body of the email.
What will the victor receive? This is where you come in. You may have noticed at the top of this blog there are advertisements. I am paid from these ads on a per click basis. Starting 9/1/07 and continuing through 12/31/07, every cent that is earned from clicks will be given to the winner. Please click the ads occasionally, but do not click them an inordinate number of times as they could be revoked leaving the winner with no cash prize. A conservative estimate for the winning haul would be somewhere between $25-35. The winner will be paid via check (if I know you personally) or money order around mid-February 2008. Consider it a Valentines day present from me. In October, November, and December I'll be posting updates, not only of the conference races, but also of the 'jackpot' that is being accumulated by the eventual winner. Please enjoy what I hope is to become an annual tradition.